DIY Tree Removal: Missteps That Can Cost You More Than Just Money

Posted on: 6 July 2023

Trees are a beautiful and essential part of the environment. They add value to homes, provide shade, and help purify the air you breathe. However, there are times when tree removal becomes necessary, whether due to safety concerns or simply to make room for new construction. 

While some homeowners may be tempted to tackle tree removal on their own, there are some significant risks involved. Take a look at some common missteps of DIY tree removal that can cost you more than just money.

Neglecting the Stump and Roots

It's tempting to just cut down the tree and leave the stump, but this could lead to damage in the future. If left alone, tree stumps can lead to future construction complications, such as root systems growing back and interfering with building projects.

Moreover, tree stumps and roots can harbor pests, creating a more significant problem for your home. If you want to get rid of the stump and roots, you will need to rent specialized equipment that can grind up the remaining wood. After that, you may need to fill the hole with soil and sod or gravel.

Underestimating Tree Weight

Underestimating the weight of a tree is a common mistake DIY enthusiasts make during tree removal.

Trees, especially mature ones, can weigh several tons. The tree's weight plays a significant role in determining how the tree will fall and its impact upon landing. Underestimating the tree's weight can lead to serious miscalculations about the force needed to bring it down safely and the area it will cover when it falls, potentially leading to property damage or personal injury.

Additionally, the tree's weight impacts how the debris will be managed post-removal. Heavy logs and branches can be difficult to move without the appropriate equipment. Failing to consider this aspect can leave you with a yard full of heavy tree debris that's challenging to dispose of.

Therefore, accurately estimating the tree's weight before removal is essential not only for the removal process itself but also for the cleanup afterward.

Not Taking Proper Safety Precautions

Tree removal can be dangerous, and you need to take all necessary safety precautions before beginning the process. This begins with making sure you have the right personal protective equipment, such as chainsaw chaps, safety glasses, hard hats, and steel-toed boots.

You will also need to ensure that you have the tools and equipment necessary for the job, such as a chainsaw, ropes, wedges, and a tractor with a winch if needed.

Be aware of any potential safety hazards in the area, such as power lines, buildings, or any other obstacles. Taking the time to plan the tree's fall and set up safety barriers can go a long way in preventing accidents. If you are ever in doubt, it is better to ask for professional help than risk the consequences of an ill-prepared DIY tree removal.
