Three Things That Can Cause A Tree To Require Special Trimming

Posted on: 20 June 2022

Trees benefit from being trimmed regularly, but there are certain situations in which they might require more specialized attention. Trees in need of thinning, that are at risk of falling, or that are suffering from pest infestation or disease can all be helped by the right pruning approach by a professional.

Crown Too Thick

The upper area of a tree, typically the area with the most branches and leaves, is called the crown. As the tree continues to grow, the crown can grow so thick that sunlight is no longer able to reach very far inside. This can be detrimental to the tree, and it can start to become weak from not receiving enough sunlight despite its growth.

One of the best ways to fix this is to ask a professional tree pruner to thin the crown. The primary purpose of crown thinning is to remove many of the branches from inside the crown to ensure light can filter through it more easily.

Crown thinning has some other benefits as well. When wind can pass through it more easily, the tree is more resistant to being pushed over. Crown thinning can also encourage the growth of fruits and flowers by ensuring more of the tree receives sunlight.

One-Sided Weight

Trees have a few ways of regulating their own balance even when they don't look symmetrical. For example, trunks and branches of a tree may have different kinds of compression depending on where it's trying to support itself and in what way. This usually happens over long periods of time, however, and in cases where a tree is knocked suddenly off balance by something like a storm, more immediate action is necessary.

Importantly, a tree not growing very straight isn't a problem by itself; it's when the tree suddenly starts to shift position that it becomes a problem. In many cases, a tree's own weight will work against it. This also means that a tree can often be saved if it's pruned in a way that relieves weight in vulnerable areas. Professional pruning, combined with staking and tethering if necessary, can save a leaning tree and let it regain its stability.

Disease or Pest Infestation

When diseases and pests strike at trees, they don't usually hit the whole tree all at once. You may notice signs of trouble first in individual branches or parts of the tree. The silver lining is this often means the tree can be saved by pruning off the affected areas and taking measures to protect the rest of the tree.

The best way to prune a tree affected by pests or disease can depend on a variety of factors, from what the tree is suffering from to the species of tree to even the time of year. Ask a professional to inspect your tree if you think it's sick or being attacked by pests.

Reach out to a tree services company for more information.
