Transplanting A Tree Onto Your Property
Posted on: 20 September 2021
Transplanting a tree can be one of the most effective options for adding these plants to your property while avoiding the need to grow them from a seed. Not surprisingly, the process of transplanting a tree can be very stressful for the plant, and there are some best practices to help ensure that the tree makes this adjustment without complications.
Ensure The Tree Receives Ample Water
Under normal conditions, a tree will have an expansive root system that will be able to easily provide the plant with the water and nutrients that it needs. However, a freshly transplanted tree will need time to develop this root system. Until this occurs, the tree can be at a particularly high risk of failing to get the moisture and nutrients that it needs to remain healthy. To keep the tree healthy, you will need to regularly water the plant. When watering the tree, it is important to thoroughly water the soil in a fairly large area around the tree. This will help to promote the roots to grow further out and deeper in the soil so that the tree will be as stable as possible.
Avoid Tampering With The Supports
It is common for a transplanted tree to have a number of supports that will prevent it from falling over after it has been planted. These supports will need to remain in place until the roots have developed well enough to be able to support their own weight. During this time, it is important to be mindful to avoid disturbing or tampering with these supports. This could significantly reduce the ability of the tree to stabilize, and it may even lead to it developing a lean. The amount of time that the tree will have to remain supported will depend on the species of tree that you have planted, the soil conditions as well as the size of the tree. When your contractors finish placing the tree, they will inform you as to the amount of time the supports should remain in place before they can be safely removed.
Give The Tree Time To Recover Before Pruning It
Pruning a recently transplanted tree is typically ill-advised unless the property owner has an important reason for trimming the tree's branches. This is due to the fact that the transplanted tree will need large amounts of energy in order to develop its root system and to otherwise adjust to its new location. Trimming branches can eliminate many leaves, which can have the effect of significantly reducing the tree's energy production.
Reach out to a professional who provides tree transplant services to learn more.