3 Essential Tips For A Better-Looking Tree
Posted on: 24 December 2018
Do you have a large tree in your yard? Are you wondering why it doesn't look as nice as your neighbor's trees? Trees can look vastly different, even when they're the exact same species, depending on where they are planted and what sort of care it is given. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't give much thought about their trees until suddenly noticing that they just aren't doing quite as well as they could be. If you want your tree to look better in this upcoming year and beyond, there are some things that you should do, including:
Pruning: Although it may sound counterintuitive, often the best way to get a tree to grow more is to trim off its branches. Regular tree trimming eliminates branches that are dead, dying, or just simply crowding out other branches. This increases airflow and allows the tree to send nutrients to where it's needed most. In addition, tree trimming helps to form the tree into a more aesthetically pleasing shape instead of the lopsided mess that some trees may wind up growing into. All of this means that your tree will look better almost instantly and will continue to grow better in the future.
Fertilizing: Different trees need different formulations of fertilizer. The type and amount of fertilizer that is needed will also depend heavily on the type of soil that you have. Instead of picking a fertilizer at random and applying it to the tree in the hopes that it will help, consult with an arborist for assistance. Many tree trimming companies have a certified arborist on staff to talk to, but other companies will be able to refer you to a trusted arborist who can assist you with whatever questions you may be having. They will help you to determine if your issue is that you actually have too much of a certain nutrient in your soil, rather than too little.
Watering: Unless you live in an area where it rains all the time, your tree may be suffering from a lack of water. Tree roots below the ground more or less mirror the tree branches that you can see above the ground. This means deep roots that won't even be touched by a 5-minute watering session. But many people turn on the hose or sprinkler system for 5 or 15 minutes and expect that to be enough water for everything. It's good for your lawn, but maybe not your trees. Once or twice a month, you should turn on a slow hose and leave it running for an hour or so. This will allow the water to penetrate as deeply into the soil as possible so that the tree can absorb this moisture.