4 Signs Your Tree Is At Risk Of Falling And Needs To Come Down

Posted on: 1 September 2018

Landscaping can enhance curb appeal and improve value, so most homeowners will understand the importance of a healthy lawn, lush shrubs, and colorful flowers. However, understanding the importance of trees in your landscape design is also smart, since mature trees have a value of between $1,000 and $10,000. Unfortunately, certain things can affect the look and health of your trees, causing them to die, break, and fall. This guide will help you understand the signs your tree will likely fall, warning you it may be time to remove it before it damages your home.

Deterioration of Foliage

Most trees will start dropping leaves in the late fall and early winter. By early spring, these leaves will start to grow back.

If you notice the tree is dropping leaves early or the leaves appear heavily discolored and wilted, the tree is most likely dying. Also, if the leaves do not start growing back in the early part of spring, the tree will not survive much longer.

Decaying Wood

Check the wood for signs of distress, as well.

If limbs and branches feel soft and appear brittle, the wood is starting to decay.

As the decay spreads, the limbs and branches will eventually break off, falling onto your home's roof, vehicle in the driveway, or one of your family members while they are out in the yard.

Cracked Trunk

Severe cases of disease or infections will show signs in the trunk of your tree.

As the disease spreads from the roots up through the tree, you may notice cracking in the trunk. The cracking and damage may be most evident on the section of wood between the trunk and a branch growing off the tree.

If there are multiple cracks in the trunk or branches and you notice a good amount of decay, the tree should be removed before it falls down.


Finally, if your tree has started to lean, it is most likely in severe distress.

Root rot is a common disease that starts in the roots of trees. As the disease spreads, roots may swell, pushing through the soil. This can cause uprooting, which leads to the tree leaning to one side.

If roots are pushing through the soil and your tree is leaning towards one side, it is time to have it removed from your yard.

Removing a tree is not a pleasant task, but it may be necessary if your tree is diseased beyond treatment. This guide will help you know the signs that it is time for your tree to come down. Contact a hazardous tree removal company for more help.
