Signs Your Tree Needs Help

Posted on: 28 August 2018

To a tree lover, few things are as satisfying as owning a home with mature trees. On the other end of the scale, few things are as disappointing as finding out that a mature tree is dying. Fortunately, not all dying trees are doomed; some of them can be saved. Here are some of the telltale signs that mean you should asses your tree to determine whether it can be saved or has to be removed:

There Are Cankers All Over the Tree

Cankers are parts of the tree where the bark has developed black spots. They usually develop when a tree's bark is stressed--for example, if it has been damaged in an accident (such as pruning injuries)--or if the tree has been infected. Tree cankers don't necessarily mean that the tree is doomed; diagnosing the cause of the problem can lead to treatment. However, they can lead to the death of the tree in the long run without an intervention.

There Are Deep Cracks on the Tree

Some trees also develop deep cracks on their barks or branches when they are stressed. For example, a lightning strike on a tree can crack it from the top to the bottom, even leading to the death of the tree. Diseases or damage to the tree can also cause it to develop cracks; the deeper the cracks are, the more danger the tree is in. For example, deep cracks may introduce germs deep into the inner tissues of the tree and accelerate its demise.

The Tree Is Decaying

The onset of decay is one of the earliest signs of tree damage. This is because whenever a tree is not getting adequate nutrients, air, or water, the affected tissues will wither, die, and decay. In most cases, you will first notice signs of decay on the smaller branches and twigs or the bark of the tree. In many cases, an intervention at this stage may save the tree's life, but you will be forced to remove the tree if you dilly-dally too much.

The Tree Has Developed a Lean

Lastly, you should also know that your tree needs help if it is leaning towards one side. Such a tree is in danger of dying or falling unexpectedly, which may cause damage or injuries. Trees develop leans when their roots have been weakened, when their weight distribution is unbalanced (for example, after poor pruning/trimming), or when their main trunks are weak (for example, due to decay). The cause and extent of the lean determine whether the tree can be saved or it has to be removed.

If you have questions about tree removal, contact companies like Noble Tree Service Inc.
