Love Your Trees? Trimming And Removal Tips Every Homeowner Should Know
Posted on: 27 August 2018
A yard filled with the voluptuous green foliage of healthy trees is something many homeowners work diligently to achieve. For some, the trees are needed to shelter the home from wind or offer shade for family gatherings. For others, the trees are designed to enhance privacy or curb appeal or signify a special moment or memory in the family's history.
Whatever your reason is for loving and caring for the trees surrounding your home, there will come a time when one must be trimmed or removed. Homeowners who have a tree that concerns them can use the following information to help them decide how best to proceed when that time arrives.
When to trim
Tree trimming is usually needed in situations where normal growth has caused the tree to become too large for its location or when the tree has become diseased or damaged in some manner.
Homeowners will most easily be able to notice these developments by taking time to carefully examine their trees at least once a month. When looking at the trees for signs of a developing problem, homeowners should:
- look for signs that growth of the tree is endangering a structure or power line or causing a problem for a neighboring property
- look for signs of an insect infestation, such as bag worms or the presence of beetles, worms, or other insects on the tree
- look for signs of broken or damaged limbs
In addition to these regular examinations, homeowners should also check their trees for damage in periods of drought or after a severe weather event, including ice storms, high winds, or possible lightning strikes.
Keeping a tree healthy, strong, and beautiful begins with having it trimmed and shaped regularly to help remove damaged areas and prevent uneven growth.
When to remove
Removal of a tree is most often needed when it has been damaged or diseased enough to impact its chances to recover and flourish. This often happens after major damage occurs to the trunk or larger limbs of the tree, such as when high winds or lightning strikes have affected it.
If large areas of the tree's bark is torn away or damaged, it will be much more at risk of a devastating insect infestation, and removal may become necessary. Trees can also need to be removed, instead of just pruned and trimmed, if their root systems are putting underground sewer and water pipes at risk of damage.
To learn more about tree trimming and removal guidelines, or to get help making a difficult decision concerning one of your trees, homeowners can rely on the guidance of a reputable tree trimming expert in their area like those with Destiny's Tree Service LLC.