Powdery Mildew 101

Posted on: 25 August 2018

Landscaping is an essential part of the way your home looks, helping create curb appeal that affects the actual value of your home. Unfortunately, if you do not care for your shrubs, flowers, and trees, your landscaping, curb appeal, and home's value will suffer.

Powdery mildew is one problem that may look minor, but it can spread quickly, potentially killing one or more trees in your landscape design. Even though it is so common, most people are not familiar with this fungal disease. This guide will help you understand the signs and treatment options for powdery mildew on your trees.


Like the name suggests, powdery mildew causes a powdery residue on your tree. The white or grey colored spots may form on the surface of one or more leaves. It may also develop on the stems and fruit of your tree. Many people compare powdery mildew to the look of flour being poured onto the leaves of a tree. If the powdery mildew is thick, the leaves will not be exposed to enough sun to continue growing in a healthy manner. Therefore, the mildew will cause the leaves to wilt and eventually die and fall off the tree.


If you notice powdery mildew taking over one or more trees in your landscaping, you should act fast to stop the fungal disease from spreading and killing the trees. Use pruning shears to trim off any leaves, stems, limbs, flowers, and fruit where the mildew has formed. Make sure to dispose of this debris away from other plants and trees, since the fungus can spread fast. Do not compost the debris because this could lead to fungal growth in plants where you use the compost.

After removing all diseased parts of the tree, wipe down your pruning shears with rubbing alcohol. This will kill and fungus lingering on the pruning blades, protecting other plants and trees from the debris the next time you trim. Also, spray affected trees with a fungicide product to kill any remaining fungus. You can also use a solution containing baking soda and water. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one quart of water in a spray bottle. Spray the bicarbonate solution onto any areas infected with the fungus.

If multiple leaves and limbs are affected, it may be best to remove the tree from your yard. Severe cases of powdery mildew cannot be treated since the fungicide has most likely spread throughout the tree and its roots. Removing the tree may be your best option for preventing the disease from spreading into the soil and into nearby plants.

For more information, check out a website like https://www.chudytreeservice.com/.
