Planting And Maintaining The Quaking Aspen Tree

Posted on: 21 August 2018

With enormous heights, rich foliage, and bright and bold color during the fall season, it is easy to see why the quaking aspen tree is such a valuable addition to your landscape design. This tree grows tall and fast rather quickly, as long as it is planted and maintained in the right way. With these tips, you will learn the best techniques for planting and caring for your quaking aspen tree.


To get started, you need to choose the right location for your tree. The quaking aspen tree needs sun, but you can choose a location that receives full sun or partial sun, as long as the tree receives sun daily.

The roots of the tree can be quite elaborate, growing fast and aggressively. To protect your home's foundation and outdoor surfaces, avoid planting the quaking aspen too close to these areas. As a matter of fact, most experts recommend leaving at least 10 feet of space between the tree and your foundation, underlying pipes, and other trees.

Remove all grass, dirt, weeds, and soil from the location before placing the tree's rootball into the ground. Fill the hole with soil and pack it in firmly with your hands. Then, water the tree and ground thoroughly.


After planting, your tree will still require constant watering. Water the base of the tree using your garden hose daily during dry conditions. Do not water the actual foliage excessively, since too much moisture on the leaves can lead to fungal growth.

Unfortunately, weeds are a common issue with quaking aspen trees. To reduce the spread of this tree's weeds, prune the tree regularly.

Trim off any suckers sprouting from the roots using sharp shears. Each year, trim off any limbs, branches, and foliage that appear discolored or decaying, too. Wipe down the blades of your pruning shears with rubbing alcohol in case fungus has infected the tree. This will reduce the risk of spreading the fungus to other parts of the tree or other plants in your landscaping design.

Branches that are growing haphazardly or on top of one another should also be removed. Winter is the best time to prune the tree, since this will ensure new growth in the spring season.

In the spring, consider applying a slow-release fertilizer to your tree. Make sure the fertilizer contains a high amount of nitrogen, which encourages fast and strong growth.

This guide will help you plant and care for the quaking aspen tree, enhancing the look and value of your landscape design. Talk to a company like Sustainable Arbor Care for more information about tree services.
